The Greatest Treasure

Everyone seems to be searching for something...there are countless books, products, activities and formulas in our modern world which are "guaranteed" to make us happy. But our souls will only be happy when they come home to their maker and make him their boss and treasure.

That is what it means to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour. Will everything in your life automatically be "fixed"? Probably not, but you will be on the right track! And your soul will find peace for the journey because your destination will be settled!

...for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. 2 Timothy 1:12b

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Mighty Power of God

Last night was quite a night here in north central Iowa/southern Minnesota.  Some might say that "Mother Nature" gave us quite a show.  I prefer to look at things in a different light.

To attribute last night's storms to Mother Nature one has to believe that somehow our planet has it's own inherent powers.  Nature and evolution are in control (if you can even use the word control) and whatever happens, the strongest and most fit will survive.  There is no one in control watching over the weak, there is no purpose.  Devastation and destruction occur, and we are at their mercy.

How wonderful to know that there is an almighty God.  The earth and all it's fullness belong to Him.  Nothing happens but what He is both aware and in control of.  Why, then, you may ask, does He allow someones home to be wiped out.  Or why does someones loved one perish.  These are questions that go back as far as to when the Bible first began.  And the answer is.......we don't know.  We know that God puts us through things for many purposes.  Perhaps to strengthen our faith.  Perhaps to cause us to rely more on Him.  Perhaps to give us opportunities to help others and show them the love of Christ.  We do know that if we put our faith and trust in Him, He will never leave us and someday He will dry all our tears and we will understand what He wants us to understand.

As John Piper says, it is a time to worship.  John and his wife Noel were living in Florida when a hurricane went through.  An excellent book to read is "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ" by Piper, which recounts this experience.  It's one of my most favorite books.

If we believe in a God who was powerful enough to create not only this whole world, but the entire universe and all things in it and beyond  - doesn't it follow that His thoughts just might be a little more complex than ours?

If you don't know Him, please get yourself a Bible and pray that God would be with you as you read it.  God will never forsake anyone who is truly seeking Him.