Hi everyone!
Hope you all had a nice 4th! We went to church and then later on in the afternoon we went to see Larry's mom. When we were about five miles from home, the local fireworks display began and we could see it from the car, probably better than from our house. They are always so pretty.
But another thing I noticed on the way home was God's display of fireworks. I love being out in the evening in the summer time and watching the fireflies. To me, that's just another one of those 'over-the-top' things God did for us. I can just imagine Him thinking...what else could I do, to make the night even more beautiful for them. God is like that...
I love it when my grand kids are here and we go outside to do some "lightening bug" hunting! I know kids are really "high tech" now adays. Even the little ones, but there is still so much joy in the little things. Plus it gives them what they want from you the most...your TIME. Isn't that how love is spelled?
Another thing grand kids love is to hear about what their mommy or daddy did when he/she was little. ie Did I ever tell you about the time your mom___________________________.
One of the saddest things about this new generation is that so many of them have no sense of heritage. We know for a fact that if you grow up in a home where you live with your mom and dad and they are actually married you are now in the MINORITY. How sad. Do you realize how many children don't even know who their grandparents are.
God has such a wonderful plan for families. Pray that people will come to know Him, that our nation will return to it's true Christian roots. Sometimes it takes only a few, or the one, standing in the gap and making their petitions known to Him to change the course of history.
Take care!