The Greatest Treasure

Everyone seems to be searching for something...there are countless books, products, activities and formulas in our modern world which are "guaranteed" to make us happy. But our souls will only be happy when they come home to their maker and make him their boss and treasure.

That is what it means to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour. Will everything in your life automatically be "fixed"? Probably not, but you will be on the right track! And your soul will find peace for the journey because your destination will be settled!

...for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. 2 Timothy 1:12b

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Extraordinary is always in the ordinary

I believe Chuck Swindoll once said that attitude is everything, at least I think it was him.  Are you looking at the glass as half empty or half full, or are you so busy waiting for your ship to come in that you miss the truck that was just there, or....well, you get the picture.

Folks have also said that extraordinary is nothing but ordinary with a little "extra".  I guess, the older I get, and the more I grow in my relationship to the Lord, I have started to see the extraordinary that God has put in just about everything.  I don't think ORDINARY is in God's vocabulary.  With the technology available to scientists today, this has been more than proven.  Nothing was made or created in a hap-hazard way.  From the glories of the universe to the "simplicity" of a blade of grass.  WOW! 

Yet, in all these things, He has made provision for us.  He gives us everything, we turn our backs, we want to do things OUR way, we make other things the center of our daily existence.  We don't trust His promises to us, so we cause ourselves all kinds of problems instead of waiting on Him.  Most of all He sent His Son, Jesus, so even the worst of sinners can turn to Him and be saved.  What did we do to deserve this?  Not a thing.  Why would He do it?