I recently read something on the Internet about a site that scams people by enticing them to go to their website to "find messages" from people looking for them. I won't mention the website because I don't know much about it, and I don't even know if it is really a scam or not. The reason I bring this up is that it made me wonder...how would someone who was looking for me go about trying to find me????
(I can't really think of anyone who would be trying to find me that already hasn't, but you know how abstract thinking goes...)
So, I went to GOOGLE and typed my name in. Have you ever done that? It was kind of interesting. First of all, they asked if perhaps I didn't mean Mary Riddell. Nope. I wanted to locate Mary REDDEL. The next 'hits' on GOOGLE listed me on Facebook and also this blog. It all sounded nice and sweet. Folks who really know me might (somedays) wonder - are they talking about Mom? Are they talking about my wife? But then my mind took another turn ............
What does God see when He looks at me or thinks of my name? God has seen everything I have ever done, good or bad. He knows every thought I have have ever had cross my mind. I cannot put on my best "Mary, the sweet Christian lady face" and hope to fool Him.
Thank you Lord, that I don't need to worry about this. I know that when God looks at me now He sees me as I really am, but also, covered with the blood of Christ. My faith in Jesus cleanses me from all the spots that would be there without it. Does this mean that God is totally blind to things that I do wrong still. No, I don't think so. But He sees his spirit living within me, daily conforming me to the image of His Son. My sins have already been forgiven, long ago. And any good which He alone leads me to do, is credited to me.
We are the guilty ones, yet God himself in Christ Jesus paid our penalty and then declares us to be Righteous. If we repent, turn to Him and trust Him for our salvation we have no need to fear.
Have you gave your life to Him? There is no more important thing that you can ever do. Get yourself a Bible if you haven't one already and open it up and read all about it.
God bless you