Since Thanksgiving comes in the month of November, it made think already of my many blessings. The best, of course, is that Jesus died on the cross for me (and you, if you will accept his free gift of salvation) and that is always amazing to me.
Then of course, are all the other countless blessings. My family, my church, my friends, my cat, my home, my mostly good health, my country, food, love and everything that makes life worth living. And God does all these things for me, and sometimes, I have to admit, I omit Him very easily from my day. He is soooo GOOD TO ME!!!
And as I have often read, He would still be good EVEN if He didn't do all these things. But I am so thankful that He does do them and I pray that through His good grace, I will grow to love Him even more and that we will become closer.
My pastor has loaned me this awesome book, The Gospel of John, by James Montgomery Boice and it has been a wonderful resource in preparing for my Bible Study group. My pastor is another wonderful blessing in my life.
Have a wonderful day and month, and be sure to thank the ONE who has been so good to you too!