The Greatest Treasure

Everyone seems to be searching for something...there are countless books, products, activities and formulas in our modern world which are "guaranteed" to make us happy. But our souls will only be happy when they come home to their maker and make him their boss and treasure.

That is what it means to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour. Will everything in your life automatically be "fixed"? Probably not, but you will be on the right track! And your soul will find peace for the journey because your destination will be settled!

...for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. 2 Timothy 1:12b

Monday, May 31, 2010

Hi there everyone,

Happy Memorial Day! What a beautiful day it is. I am washing windows and enjoying being outside. I know we are to remember all those who served their country on this day. And I do. I feel blessed to be enjoying the benefits so many brave men and women fought for, and even died for.

But I also remember on this day, many wonderful family members who have gone on to be with Lord. One of the most influential folks in my life was my mothers mom. She was a beautiful Christian lady who lived her life serving her family, and taking care of others whenever she could. When I close my eyes and remember Grandma, I can always see her with either her Bible in her lap, or else crocheting doilies, tablecloths, etc., which she gave away to family and friends. She was the love of Jesus in action.

You may ask how I know Grandma is with the Lord. It is because I know that she had a personal relationship with Jesus. He was not just an idea to her. She knew that she was a sinner who needed the redemption Jesus offers. And she was never shy about sharing her faith (with love) with other folks.

Randy Alcorn wrote a wonderful book entitled "Heaven" which is a compilation of what scripture has to say about heaven. In one of the early chapters of his book, Randy mentions that heaven is NOT everyone's default destination. He gives the illustration of a famous singer who was invited to sing at a wealthy person's wedding. The reception was to be held at very elite restaurant in Seattle. A formal invitation was sent to all guests and even the wedding party. The invitation included an R.S.V.P. which this singer failed to return. "Oh well, she thought, I don't need to do that, after all, I am the singer. When she and her husband arrived at the restaurant, a man in a tuxedo, holding a book of names, checked off each person who had returned their R.S.V.P. and then they were escorted into the banquet. When her name was not in the book, they were escorted out the door. The lady singer was a Christian and as she and her husband drove away it occurred to her that this is what it would be like for many folks who haven't accepted Jesus's salvation and turned their lives over to Him. Their names will not be written in God's book. If you have never accepted Jesus as your savior, don't wait until it's too late.