Hi Everyone!
And by the way, thank you so very much to my first three followers. I can't tell you what it means to me to see your three faces, right there when I bring this blog up. Thanks SO much!!
I started out my time with the Lord this morning by going through yet another chapter of this book on the Gospel of John by James Montgomery Boice which Pastor Kevin is letting me borrow. It is SO AWESOME! I only wish I could spend more time in it. However, that would require me to either get up a lot earlier OR drop some of the things in my day. Not there yet.
Anyway, back to John. The verses that I was focusing on this morning were "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1: 4-5 Mr. Boice gave an illustration about a game he played as a boy when he went camping. The boys in his group would compare their flashlights one to the other to see who had the brightest light, or who could spot the most things in the dark, etc. Inevitably the person with the most high powered light, or the one with the freshest batteries was the winner. But he said as dawn broke, all lights were equally dim in comparison to the light of the rising sun. He went on to say that it is the same with us. Jesus declared himself to be the 'Light of the World' but he also said that we were to: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven." We should never think that our light is brighter than the light he has given someone else and obviously never brighter than His light. But sometimes, at least I can see it in my case, I can fall into the temptation of making something about me, instead of making it about Him. That's when I really need to go to prayer.
I certainly didn't share all that as well as Mr. Boice, but I wanted to pass it on. Have a great day!